We Can Extend the Life of Your Unit

Rely on our team in Monroe, GA for routine water heater maintenance

The average water heater will last for about 10 years. If you want your unit to continue running efficiently, you should keep up with your water heater repairs. Lightfoot Services of Monroe, GA can help you with this.

We can perform routine maintenance to...

  • Remove sediment that builds up in the storage tank over time
  • Reduce the risk of breakdowns and low water pressure
  • Help you save on a new water heater
Please be aware that we can't repair every water heater. We'll let you know upfront if you need a new unit.

Call 770-853-5761 now to speak with a water heater maintenance technician.

Our technicians are skilled problem-solvers

From malfunctioning safety devices to leaky valves, we can replace any worn-out component so your water heater will run more efficiently. Reach out today to find out how often our team in Monroe, GA can perform maintenance on your water heater.